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Protocol Architecture

Simplicity and Straightforwardness

In smart contracts, complexity can often be the enemy of security. The more convoluted the code, the higher the chances of vulnerabilities creeping in, either due to oversight or the inherent challenges of managing multifaceted systems. At Inverter Protocol, we firmly believe in the principle of KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). This philosophy is not about dumbing down the process, but about eliminating unnecessary complexities. By ensuring that our codebase remains as simple as possible, we achieve readability, maintainability, and transparency.


A modular approach to architecture is akin to building with LEGO blocks. Each module, or block, is designed to perform a specific function and can be integrated or removed without affecting the system's overall integrity.

This approach offers isolation of issues in security interventions: should a vulnerability or bug be detected in one module, it can be isolated and addressed without compromising the entire system. This containment strategy significantly reduces the potential impact of any security threats.